Recharge your creative brain with our summer challenge - limited spots are open until 7/8 at midnight PT 🪐

Enter the Daydreamers Universe.

Incorrect password

Fig. 1

Feel better

Creativity is considered the antidote to burnout, stress and the hamster-wheel of modern life.

Daydreamers uses the latest scientific research to help you be more creative for your health, fulfillment and longevity. It's designed to use in the middle of a meeting, or as a way to wind down from a stressful day.

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Fig. 2

Kick off your creative momentum

Your creativity can never be used up - scientifically, we know the more you use your creative brain, the stronger it gets.

Daydreamers supplies you with the tools and ideas to create every day - without worrying about perfection.

Get into the creative flow with Daydreamers-designed tools

Get into the creative flow with Daydreamers-designed tools

Fig. 3

Be more inspired

An idea to Dream on: Pause + think about 5 simple things that make you feel alive. When was the last time you experienced them?

Daydreamers HQ

Being in nature for me - I made this bird during my lunch break...

Creativity isn't just making a pretty picture - it exists all around us. Experiencing awe, wonder and compassion are core elements of your Creative Health.

Daydreamers helps you expand your definition of creativity and turn inspiration into a sustainable part of life through prompting, learning + community.

Fig. 4

Enhance longevity

Creativity expands your brain health, mental flexibility and even builds new mental pathways.

Daydreamers measures and tracks the changes to your creative brain. Our members have increased their clarity, focus and resilience by 4x and enhanced their creative thinking by 3x.

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( Emotions are data points - srsly. )

Seeing clear outcomes helps make better, more effective choices in daily life.

Fig. 5

Uncover your purpose + fulfillment

Creativity is the foundation of purpose, fulfillment and feeling most alive. Scientifically, it's at the root of meaning-making during times of change.

Daydreamers is like having a wise teacher and scientific expert in the palm of your hand, guiding you on your journey towards creative fulfillment.

Fig. 6

Change your life

Creativity is a human superpower we can never lose - and impacts us during all stages of life.

Daydreamers members have felt the impact in big ways and small. Read their stories.


Daydreamers has changed my life completely, hands down. I never thought I was a creative person, but the whole journey helped me reframe the fact that I, along with everyone else, is creative. I've upgraded into a more creative job, moved cities and most importantly, changed the way I approach life every day. I can't thank you enough.

- Jeanette [Life-changing]

I knew that there was more to life than work, but I never made it a priority to take actionable steps to define what a fulfilled life is to me—until Daydreamers. It helped me stop feeding into the false sense of urgency that haunted my everyday, and reframe what "purpose" looks like.

- Isaac [Purpose]

As a photographer working a 'normal' job, I always felt like my creativity fell to the bottom of my priority list. Daydreamers helped me bring structure and meaning to my creative process - and turn it into a meaningful part of life.

- Alexa [Creative Power]

Before Daydreamers, I had given up hope. I used to be a painter, but I stopped creating or doing much of anything as I got older. Daydreamers helped me see creativity is a way of life - and has made my mind sharper + heart more open. It's better than ten years of therapy.

- Katherine [Longevity]

Daydreamers is truly like insurance for my mind. Even when life is extremely stressful, I've still managed to carve out little chunks of personal creative time. It makes me feel like I can tackle anything.

- Matt [Stress-reduction]

Before Daydreamers, I was feeling lonely and lost. I didn't realize that my lack of Creative Health was a symptom of my struggles. The more I used Daydreamers, the more open I became - and connected I felt with myself and the world around me. It honestly changed my life.

- James [Connection]

A platform for creative

  • health
  • fulfillment
  • performance
  • longevity
  • well-being
  • enjoyment
  • science

Daydreamers turns your unique creative DNA into a superpower.

The Daydreamers Method uses the latest science to simplify your Creative Health. We remove talent, skill + perfection from the creative process so non-artists can turn creativity into a habit for your health, mental strength and to reach your full potential. Click on each image to see how the DD Universe will impact you - and how it's changed our member's lives.